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LocalConnection Property

Returns or sets the connection string to an offline cube file. Read/write String.


For a non-OLAP data source, the value of the LocalConnection property is an empty string, and the UseLocalConnection property is set to False.

Setting the LocalConnection property doesn’t immediately initiate the connection to the data source. You must first use the Refresh method to make the connection and retrieve the data.

The value of the LocalConnection property is used if the UseLocalConnection property is set to True. If the UseLocalConnection property is set to False, the Connection property specifies the connection string for query tables based on sources other than local cube files.

For more information about the syntax for connection strings, see the Help topic for the Add method of the PivotTables collection.


This example sets the connection string of the first PivotTable cache to reference an offline cube file.

With ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches(1)
    .LocalConnection = _
        "OLEDB;Provider=MSOLAP;Data Source=C:\Data\DataCube.cub"
    .UseLocalConnection = True
End With